SP Quest
The SP QUEST is a high-performance portable tennis ball machine designed for players who demand precision and versatility. With exceptional speed and spin potential, the QUEST offers precise shot control, customizable drills, and advanced training features, making it an excellent choice for serious practice. Powered by an intelligent microprocessor, it provides a seamless and dynamic training experience. With the choice of battery, AC, or hybrid model, the QUEST is designed for extended sessions, providing 6–8 hours of continuous play on a single charge, and a 300-ball capacity to keep you focused on your game without interruption.
Here is a description of these features and of the design philosophy behind them:
Control Panel: Take a look at the panel of the QUEST. Although the machine is computer-controlled, you won't need to go searching through menus to find the features you need. Right on the panel are 14 buttons, two display windows, and 27 little lights that give you the control and feedback you need to operate the machine easily. Absolutely nothing is hidden, and the buttons are springy to provide excellent tactile feedback.
Remote Control: Nice as the control panel is, it is our intention to allow you to control all functions of the machine conveniently from the remote control. The 20 buttons on the remote control are a little smaller than on the panel but are also springy for tactile feedback. For additional feedback, the machine will beep every time it receives a command from the remote control, which is essential communication when you are standing on the opposite baseline.
Memories: The QUEST has a MEMORY button that allows you to store preferred settings into three different memories. You can, for example, save your preferred settings for practicing the types of shots produced by three different opponents. Or a family can use one memory for Dad, one for Mom, and one for little André. Saving settings in memory is easy. You hold the memory button down for 2 seconds, like when setting stations in a car radio.
Adaptive All-Court Sweep: This advanced feature will feed balls randomly horizontally and vertically for all-court coverage. The vertical oscillation is "adaptive" because the computer provides the right amount of vertical oscillation for the SPEED and SPIN that you have selected. Adaptiveness works even with very high speeds, flat throws, and topspin. Depending on the speed, spin, and feed rates selected, the Adaptive-All-Court feature can provide a practice session worthy of a tour player.
2-Line Function: 2-Line delivery is set directly as a choice on the SWEEP button. Balls are delivered to two locations in alternations. This is useful when practicing a forehand and a backhand stroke one after the other or when feeding two players or two lines of players.
Angle of Sweep: The QUEST offers a choice of a narrow or a wide angle of delivery. The convenient WIDTH button allows you to select the angle directly from the panel or the remote control. The selected angle will apply to random oscillation, Adaptive All-Court Sweep, and 2-line delivery.
*AC and AC-DC machines will take five days to ship.

Quest vs Smart

20 Button
22 Button
3 Memories
3 Memories